The Under Vehicle explosive scanner and detector System (UVESD) is applied in areas prone to bomb attack and in need of high-degree security and safety standard for the scanning of under vehicles and its Chassis within milli-seconds.
It can identify different kinds of explosive materials, weapons, contraband goods and other dangerous equipments and store the information at a predetermined site. This system makes under vehicle and chassis examination fast and easy with the leading scanning technology of computer image identification.
It is also equipped with a complete computer system and high sensitive night vision plate number detecting camera that synchronizes the vehicle's plate numbers and identifies them with the scanned recorded chassis for easy assessment at a different location.
Government agencies, customs, airport, army, embassy, nuclear power station, prison, garage, large-scale conferences places, important buildings, various venues and other places in which the inspection of vehicles are required.
Image Resolution of the Vehicle Chassis 1 mm
Driving Speed 5~30km / h
Voltage DC 12V; AC 24V
Working Temperature -20℃~55℃
Working Time 24hrs/day
Operating System WINDOWS 9X, 2000, ME, XP
Max. Weight Bearing of Passing Vehicles 60 tons
Dimension of Host Computer 57cm X 37cm X 70cm
Weight 46kg
Standard maximum dimensions 2.4m wide *3.6m wide*14m long
Component Function Description
Main Machine Part
Mainly to process and display digital signals
of vehicle bottom, real-time display video
signals of number plate, input for filing, print
and store registration number of vehicle, etc..
Number Plate Acquisition
Mainly to collect license plate and type of
Vehicle, facilitating future search.
Vehicle Bottom Signal
Including collecting, scanning, synthesizing
and motion-identifying digital signals